Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 2 - Hope

When you live life without Jesus, there is really no hope for the future.  You try to find fulfillment in accomplishments and things, but in the end all of that is empty.  Life is just a series of days that really lead to nothing without God. That is one of the reasons I am so grateful for my kids.  God gave them a chance to come from hopelessness to a place of hope.  Because in Him there is a reason to life and a future to hope for and to strive for.  The term hope automatically brings one of my favorite verses to mind.

Jeremiah 29:11says God has plans for hope for us. As Pastor talked about a few weeks back, God doesn't plan for our defeat but for our victory.  We just have to put our hope in him who is able to do exceedingly above what we can ask or imagine.

So back to the kids, they are learning what it is like to hope in someone who loves them more than they can imagine and who can change things and won't fail them.  For the most part they get it in their heads, but I'm not sure it's been solidified in their inner man yet.  Goodness, I'm not sure I always am able to hope when things seem hopeless.  It's a learning and growing curve. A constant progress to total faith and hope in what we can't see but KNOW to be true.

Prayer for the Kids -

God, prove yourself to my kids.  Their experiences have taught them not to trust and not to hope in people because they have been failed time after time. We can talk about hoping in you all day, but until they have tested you and seen you show up for them, they won't ever fully be able to grasp the hope they can have in you. Move them from a place of despair to hope.  Where they can get a glimpse of the awesome things you have planned for them as they learn to trust you more. God give them strength to break the old habits they created to protect themselves from being hurt and help them to open up and allow themselves to hope in you and your great plan for them.

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