Saturday, October 6, 2012


Well I've heard a lot about pregnant people having weird dreams as they get to the end of their pregnancies.  I wouldn't exactly say that my dreams have been weird but they have definitely made it clear that I'm a little anxious about the labor and delivery and really just what life will be like with a baby in the house.

So in this past week I've had two dreams that I remember.  The first one was just a dream where I remember thinking I was might be in labor, but wasn't sure.  My goal in labor and delivery is to not use any medications and to have a natural delivery. I know that things happen and there is a possibility this won't happen.  I have decided from all the stories I hear that if you want a natural delivery, you have a better chance of that if you stay at home longer and labor their instead of rushing to the hospital. So I'm pretty sure this dream was just due to the unknown factor as far as labor and delivery for a first time mom.

In the second dream, the baby was born and it was a girl. Most of the things we have registered for are semi-neutral, so I think we could easily switch most things to fit a girl. My main stress, in my dream, is that we have absolutely no girl names. I have a middle name "Renee" after my sister, but we never got further than that because we didn't have to.  I have since looked and re-looked at the gender prediction sonogram picture and he really looks like a boy, but this dream has got me thinking.  No, I'm not stressed out, but I pretty much hadn't even thought about what if the doctor was wrong.

I'm sure I'm more worried about how everything turns out then I let on, but I try not to focus on that.  For example, this week my mother-in-law asked me what I wanted for Christmas.  I haven't even thought about it, so I haven't responded to her email, but my first response was "a baby who sleeps through the night, breastfeeding to come easily and not stress me out, my kids to adjust to the new baby, and the ability to survive with little sleep."  How can I possibly think about what to buy me for Christmas when there is so much going on between now and then? :)

I also realized I really need to get working on Christmas shopping. A while back I had plans to at least get the kids Christmas bought before Seth gets here. And I've purchased one of their gifts and know what we are getting them as a group gift (which will be bought after Seth is here because of what it is).  We are downsizing Christmas this year because honestly, they get plenty between grandparents and I don't feel like I am trying to get them setup for life.  Last year we bought them multiple items they needed as we had only had them for 2 months at that point. Not this year.  We are moving down to 4 gifts a piece. Something they want, something they need, something to wear, and something to read. (Thanks to Rachel's post on this last year!) In addition, we may buy new PJs they get on Christmas Eve.  Mainly because those kids love their PJs and because they are getting too tall for them. Seriously, will they stop growing so fast  already?

Ok, so those of you following for the daily prayers for my kids, I'm sorry yesterday and today aren't going to follow that, but I'll try to get back on to that tomorrow.

Oh and thanks to Maggie, Mommy gets a break! The kids are spending the night with her on Sunday night and then they'll be with her on Monday since they are off of school. So I don't have to get up as early on Monday nor do I have to get them to bed on Sunday. So we'll call it a break. I love my kids, but right now, breaks are good too.

1 comment:

Brooklynn said...

I always had the gender dream. Lol!

Now my dreams involve a lot of snakes getting in her crib and squeezing her. Bizarre!

Natural delivery, go you! I couldn't do it. But maybe I could have with the petocin. I'll stick with that story. :)