Sunday, December 14, 2014

Wasted Time

The older I get, the more time I take to look back and reflect on my life. On the time I wasted in disobedience to God. On the time I was productive for God's kingdom. On the time where I felt in spiritual limbo, but have now realized it was a time of great personal growth.

I hate feeling my time is wasted.

Sometimes time has been wasted because I have chosen to struggle with and fight against God and his direction instead of obeying his voice. Other times the devil has offered a detour and I have taken advantage of it. Any time that is wasted away from the perfect will of God cannot be replaced.

I am certainly not assuming that is it easy to always be exactly where God wants us to be. But I also know that when life gets comfortable, my tendency at least is to stay just a little bit longer. But God is calling us to obedience now. To intimacy and relationship now.

The time will never be convenient to serve God wholeheartedly and it will never be an easy choice. But for me, the regret of wasted time is a big one. I want to move where God moves and be where he is and not waste a second being lazy or comfortable. Because every wasted second delays what God wants to do in me and my family.

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