Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Let My People Go!

Go down, Moses, way down in Egypt's land.
Tell ol' Pharoah, "Let my people go!"
Over Thanksgiving break, Jill, my sister, was singing this song to Seth. It was the one song that would stop his fits or that he would approve of without a resounding "No!"

So this morning, for whatever reason, I was singing it to Seth and then in the car on the way to school. Daniel said it didn't sound like a real song. That's probably because I was imitating how Jill imitates how Erin, my niece, sings it. 

And God used it to speak to me. Just a little Sunday School song made for kids, but full of truth.

I'm sure we've all heard the story of how God used Moses to deliver the Israelites out of Egypt. God sent Moses to Egypt to bring freedom to the Israelites who had been enslaved by Pharoah for many years. He sent him with a clear plan and instructions. Tell them God sent you and tell Pharoah to "Let my people go!"

Seems easy enough and yet often times we desire to be rescued from our slavery, our bondage but are unwilling to take the steps to get there. What would have happened if Moses didn't face his enemy and declare that God said to free God's people? See, Moses had the authority of Almighty God behind him and that authority was greater than Pharoah's. But if Moses wouldn't speak the words to bring freedom, the Israelites would not have been delivered.

We need to realize the authority we have and act on it, telling the devil to let go of us, of our children, of our finances, our marriages, our lives. He isn't as big as we think he is. Yes, he isn't a wimp and he doesn't fight fair, but GREATER IS HE THAT IS IN US than he that is in the world. God wants us to be free to worship him, to serve him, to live for him, but often times we are stuck in our own bondage because we won't tell the devil to back off by the authority we have been given in Jesus. God is waiting for us to obey him so he can bring the deliverance, and we are waiting on him to rescue us and, in the meantime, refuse to obey what he is telling us to do. Refuse to stand up to our enemy and declare our freedom.

Declare your freedom today because he who the Son sets free is free indeed.

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