Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A King and His Castle

On Saturday, Daniel and I spent some time cleaning his room. Let's just say that organization and keeping things clean is not his strength. If you know me at all, you know I can be a little compulsive when it comes to things being clean, so I'm sure it really wasn't as bad as I felt that it was. I'm a little picky about these things. Anyways, when we were done cleaning he was so proud of his room. You could just tell he felt better about himself and life in general. It was so clean from his perspective that he called his room his castle and invited anyone who came over to see it.

It got me thinking. Maybe he would feel better about school if he felt more organized. I asked him about this and encouraged him to keep his desk and folders clean like he does his room. He said it wasn't bad at school and I reminded him that he has had to redo work because he couldn't find it when it was due. I know his teacher goes through his desk at least every other week and helps him clean it out.

All that to say, I hope he can keep his room clean and maybe some other parts of his life will get the organization that they need and he can be proud of his work.

He sure is growing up. He was so little when we got him. Why do they have to grow up so fast? :(

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