Wednesday, May 1, 2013

9 Years


I can't believe we've been married for 9 years and together for 13.5.  I don't really remember life without you. It has been a crazy ride and I'm so glad you've been with me through it all.  You are the most loyal selfless person I know.  I'm so glad God brought us together and that you have put up with my crazy antics.
 You are greater man than when I married you. You've always treated me well, but God has brought you closer to himself and I love watching you be used by him. It makes my heart smile.

 You are so kind and compassionate and patient with me.  You have become the leader I prayed you would be for our family.  I love to see the confidence you have gained in the past years.  I always knew you could do whatever you set your mind to, with God's help and direction, so I am thrilled you have finally stepped out and seen what God can do.
 You are such a great dad and help me so much with the kids. It is such a blessing for them to have an active dad and they can see that you care and love them.  You have changed a lot since they came into our lives, for the better.

 I love that you can be firm and in control one moment and soft and tender with them the next. I love the way you interact with the kids, especially Seth. I can see your love for them in your eyes and it melts my heart.

God has great things planned for our family and I am so glad I get to spend the rest of my life with you to see what God does. I love you more than you will ever fully understand.

 ~Forever Yours                                 

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