Monday, May 13, 2013

Sunday Thoughts

I'm sitting here waiting on my clothes to be done in the drier so I can go to bed. I absolutely hate ironing. Hate it.  So I try my hardest to be around when the drier stops so I can quickly get the clothes out and hang them up to avoid them being wrinkled. Isn't that such a mom thing to do on Mother's Day? Laundry. Ha!

So while I'm waiting I figured I'd blog.

This weekend was full in the best way possible. Yesterday morning we had a Ladies Brunch at the church. DeAnn did a great job speaking about us as mother's being the shepherds or co-shepherds of our families. And I think I have found a new favorite verse for mothers:
Isaiah 8:18 Here am I, and the children the LORD has given me. We are signs and symbols in Israel from the LORD Almighty, who dwells on Mount Zion.
How awesome is it that God allows me and my children to be a sign from God to those around us? The way we raise our kids can show others who He is.  For me, I pray my life and the lives of my kids show that God is faithful.

DeAnn referred to my story while she was preaching and it made me think. (Well first it made me feel weird. You know, like every one was starting at me.)  I've always prayed that God would use my struggles to show who he is and to show others what God will do if you just stayed faithful to him through the struggles. She said something about understanding the hurt and knowing that if I would just hold on, God would bring something awesome. I've always known others were praying, but never really knew the faith others had for me or the way people saw me through it all.  It is very humbling. It's all such a distant memory, but I never want to forget what it feels like to hold on when you see nothing, feel nothing. I don't want to forget the pain. But more than that, I don't ever want to forget that when God does things, he goes beyond what you were even dreaming or hoping for. Amazing things happen when you just believe that God knows what he is doing and put your trust in him.

Yesterday, we went and bought a new washer and drier which will be delivered on Tuesday evening. I am pretty excited to get a bigger washer and drier for my growing family (and by growing I mean from 2 to 5 and now 6. And as the kids get bigger, the clothes get bigger, the more room needed in the washer and drier.)

On Wednesday I am heading to Galveston for a little vacation on the beach with Seth and some ladies from work.  I am kind of nervous about traveling with Seth, but I'm sure he'll do great. I am looking forward to sleeping in (which is more like going back to sleep after Seth's 7am feeding than truely sleeping in) and doing nothing much. We are going shopping some and will play some games and just generally chill.  I was telling the ladies I am honestly totally happy with just sitting around at the beach house with Seth if they want to go do something that wouldn't be so easy with Seth. It'll be nice to be away from work, but I'm sure I'll miss my husband and the rest of the kids. I really feel like I need to be there for my kids, but it is only a few days and BJ and the grandparents will do great with them.  I hope I pack everything I need for Seth and I for a few days. And if not, there is a Walmart in town and I can go grab what I need or forget.  I still need to pack. Haven't really thought about it yet.  Yeah, I always pack at least semi-last minute.

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