Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Super Mom

With my new perspective on life (which is primarily God teaching me to chill out some and trust him more to take care of things instead of stressing about them), I really feel like I am getting a lot done as a mom and wife. And it feels good.

Life is still busy, but I really feel like I am getting to have quality time and conversations with my kids and not just rushing to the next event I can check off of my list. I love my kids and husband so much and am just glad we get to be together. I love having a house full of activity and I love their energy (even though it has taken some getting used to). Seth is such a perfect fit for our family. His siblings love him so much and he brings so much joy to our house. They are all really good at making him smile and laugh and he just loves it when anyone talks or sings to him.

A couple of weeks ago in Sunday School I said something about how we always see that person who has it all together and we start to compare ourselves to them.  I nearly fell out of my chair when one of the "students" said that's what she thought about me.  To set the record straight, I do not have it all together, but it did feel good to know I have someone fooled. Ha! It did make me look at my life a little differently. I can be a little frazzled, but for the most part, things in my life are pretty organized and I feel like I have a handle on it (with God's help, of course.) Nothing right now is so overwhelming it is unmanageable. Without someone telling me I'm doing good, I tend to only see what is wrong and needs fixing.

On a little rabbit trail, I read the other day something about comparing ourselves to others that really made sense to me.  Comparing is never a good thing because it either leads us to be critical of others and prideful that we are better or feel worthless about ourselves because we don't have it all together as others appear to.  Really good book I am reading. It's called "You're Already Amazing" by Holley Berth. (If you keep up with me on facebook, this would make 4 books I am reading at once. Crazy and so unlike me, but they are all really good.)

Today I am feeling a little super momish, but only because I have a super God and super kids. God has just blessed me so much! Now onto the kids, which is really what you all want to know about anyways, right? 

Tonight I put Seth to bed to "cry it out" for the first time and he did so well. At first, he was just happily laying in his bed. He did cry for about 4-5 minutes, but before I got a chance to go check on him and reassure him, he was out like a light. And that was at about 7:30. I expect he'll wake up here soon to eat one last time before his long stretch of sleep. I am so grateful he did so well. I haven't really pushed him to go to sleep by himself before for a few reasons. 1. It wasn't my priority. 2. He and Katelynn share a room, so I have to plan to put him to sleep before her with enough time for him to be out before she went to bed. With tax season and other things, by the time I get home and we do supper, there just hasn't been time for that.  But I did it tonight and Seth made it really easy on me. See, I do have super kids. I will do Seth's 6 month post later this week after his has his 6 month appointment Thursday morning so I can have the most recent stats on his weight and height.

Haley is really growing up. She is such a helpful girl and really wants to do the right thing most of the time. She is so loving and isn't afraid to show it by showering me with hugs. And not fake hugs, but the real, tight, ones you can feel to your very soul.  She likes to use big words to make her sound important, but she uses them incorrectly and leaves me guessing what she is trying to say. It can be pretty funny.

Daniel is such a sweet guy. Every day when he gets out of the car at school, he makes sure to blow me a kiss. I don't know when or why this started but I love it. He is so sweet with his brother and loves when Seth lights up from him talking to him.  Today Seth was throwing a fit because I wasn't holding him (Seth is pretty clingy to me after I get home from work) so I gave him to Daniel to occupy. Seth continued to cry while I was cleaning the table, and I know Daniel wanted to fix it and couldn't, but he was just so patient with him through the screaming. Today when I put Seth to bed and he was crying Daniel immediately ran up to comfort him. I had to stop him and tell him that Seth needed to learn he was safe and he could self soothe and put himself to sleep.  Daniel didn't like it one bit that we were just letting him cry. Thankfully, it didn't last long. He takes his job as a big brother very seriously and just loves Seth to pieces.

 Katelynn is really growing up so quickly. She is reading really well for her age and we are really hoping she is getting a firm foundation for her future years in school. My baby girl is getting to be a young lady. She has recently made up her own language. Seriously. Some day she will publish a dictionary of words she has made up for things. The funny thing is that when she calls something a weird made up name, Daniel and Haley go along with it. Like the adults who don't have a clue what she is talking about are the ones who are the outsiders.

Having kids has definitely taught me to laugh at myself and at life in general more and not be so stiff and rigid about everything.

BJ is working on updating my blog and I am so excited! Soon!

Ok, so its off to bed for the night. I hope you've enjoyed my ramblings.

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