Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Just for the record

This may not exactly be the most exciting post, but for the sake of keeping records, I want to record somethings about Seth and his schedule/how he is doing.

When I started this journey of nursing Seth, my goal was to make it to 6 months. Well we have made it past that and now I am shooting for a year.  Once we got the hang of things, it's really been relatively easy. In some ways it is very convenient feed him when he gets hungry and I am with him.  He is down to taking 3-4 minutes a side which is soooo nice! Feeding him used to consume my day (or at least felt that way), but we pretty much have this down to a science. The downside of exclusively breastfeeding is the pumping. It gets old. Fast. I was mostly excited about my 4 day trip to Galveston last weekend because I would have Seth with me and wouldn't have to pump. I think we can make it to a year pretty easily. Assuming he cooperates. The hardest part is behind us.

We are feeding him some baby food (about 2 tablespoons 5 times a week) but he isn't totally interested yet. He's getting better but really likes to eat with both hands and the spoon in his mouth. Yeah, he's a mess. But at least its a cute mess. Last night I had to give him a bath after dinner. Which by the way, he loves. 

My mom has been giving him a bath every Wednesday (just so he has a schedule) and I've been bathing him when needed between those baths. He just splashes and loves being in the bath tub. He is big enough now that he can sit up and have fun without him being so wet and slippery like little babies are.

Back to food. He likes to eat puffs, sometimes. We are going to try the baby oatmeal. He never really took to rice cereal. I think it was a consistency thing.  So far I have been making all of his baby food. He's only had carrots and squash and prefers carrots out of those two. This coming up long weekend I have plans to make and freeze some different veggies like avocado, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas and zucchini. I also plan to buy some all natural applesauce to start feeding him. I've been delaying the fruits mostly because I want him to like veggies and have been told once you give him fruit, he'll prefer it because it is sweeter.

No teeth yet, but I do believe he is teething some. I don't know how long that process usually lasts, but maybe we'll have teeth in the next month or so.

Tonight was night two of letting him go to sleep on his own/crying it out. We got home from church at about 9, so the timing was different altogether from yesterday. I was concerned it wouldn't work. We got home, I put his pajamas on and then laid him in his bed while the older kids were still getting ready for bed. He cried for probably less than a minute and then was asleep before we finished Bible Time with the kids. This is going way too well and he is making this way too easy. I'm sure it won't always be this way, but for now, it couldn't be going better really.

Tomorrow is his 6 month appointment with shots, so I'll update some cute things he's doing and stats after that appointment. I am praying for a good report about his growth. I kind of dread going to these appointments and actually never made the last appointment (which was just a weight check). It just seemed silly to keep going back for them to tell me how much he weighed and that they weren't happy when I think he's happy, healthy and fine. I know they are just doing their job, but it seems a little overboard if you ask me. Last time he got shots he cried through them and then was fine. He just slept more that day, so I am praying for much of the same. Thank God for a generally easy baby! He is such a blessing!!

1 comment:

Brooklynn said...

Colbi never took to rice cereal either. I think I couldnt get the consistency right. I'm thankful Colbi didn't do much crying either. She had her days that were tougher, but she was always good about night time.sleep (after about wk 6. Lol).

I really think most of the time, babies are better sleepers when they feel comfortable and secure as they grow. Good job Mommy!