Sunday, May 26, 2013

Happy 6 Months, Seth!

At your 6 month checkup, you weighed in at 16 pounds 1 oz, were 25 inches long and have a 17.25 inch head. That puts your percentiles at about 20, 5 and 50 respectively. So relatively you have a large head, but besides that, the doctor said everything looks great and we don't have to go back until your 9 month check up.

You wear size 3-6 months clothes mostly, but can fit some 6-9 months. You wear a size 2 diaper, but not for long. 

You are so much fun at this age.  You can sit up by yourself, but you sometimes get too excited and then fall over. You can rollover from tummy to back and almost all the way from back to tummy.  You have just recently started spinning in circles on your tummy in order to get to whatever you have your eyes set on. I have a feeling you will be on the move soon, so I'd better get at least the outlets covered up.  You are very attentive when you are talked to or sang to and are very social. I can hardly feed you without you being distracted by one of your siblings, or whatever else happens to be going on at the same time. You still don't want to miss a thing and fight your sleep because of this. You are so happy and squeal a lot when you are excited. You also shake your head when you are excited. It looks like you are saying no, but I just think you are shaking it back and forth because it is easier than up and down.

You took your first longer car trip (6 hours to Galveston) and did great! You don't like to nap, but will nap in the car if you are sleepy.  You are sleeping about 11 hours a night which is usually from 7:30 to 6:30. Most nights you only wake up once during that time, but sometimes as often as every 3 hours (or three times).

You are definitely teething. Drooling all the time and chewing on everything. I would say we probably have another month before some little teeth start coming through. But for now, I love your gummy grin. I don't want you to lose your baby-ness by getting teeth.

So far you have only eaten carrots well.  Tomorrow I am making you some more baby food vegetables to give you some more things to try.  You weren't really keen on butternut squash, but you scarfed down your carrots today. I think you are finally getting the eating thing down (moving the food to the back of your mouth and swallowing instead of blowing bubbles or spitting it out). I am hoping that with you eating more real foods, you'll be able to sleep longer without getting up to eat. 

You love music. Being sung to, music on the radio, or being played to, it really doesn't matter. You respond be either watching on with a smile, singing/yelling along, or tapping your hands on your legs to the music. I really hope you got your Mommy and Daddy's musical genes. I can imagine us singing/playing together some day.

You are obsessed with drinks, mainly cans of soda. It doesn't matter who has it or what flavor it is, you stop whatever you are doing and make it very clear that you want some. We let you feel the outside of the can that is cold and wet and you love that. You are also very interested in whatever we are eating. Often times, if you aren't happy in your high chair, I sit at the table sideways so you can see the family and I can eat my food, but you are unable to grab anything from the table.

You grab everything and definitely have a grip. Right now your favorites are necklaces, hair and glasses. 

You have moved on from your activity mat to your Jumparoo. You love being able to stand up in it and see everything that is going on.  The toys can keep you entertained for a while too, sometimes.  You also really like your swing, at least more than when you were smaller. You like us to set it on a higher setting. Maybe someday, you will be my roller coaster partners. The other kids only like them in order to be able to do things with me (or that's what I am noticing, but that could change too).

Your brothers and sisters are still smitten with you.  You have a lot of family that loves you so much. God has really blessed us with you!

I know that God has great things in store for you as you grow up learning how to love him best and how to serve him. I pray that God will have your heart from a very young age and you will serve him full force, never looking back.

I love you so much and am so proud to be your mother. Stop growing so quickly! I am going to miss these days of you being so small and cuddly.


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